Baseline Evaluation: for terms not in GO (not yet validated terms)

  Baseline Sentence Validation
[1] cell expansion and/or maintenance
PMID Curator System Sentence
15102477 Yes No These results suggest that culture on FN support allows prolonged ex vivo maintenance and even expansion of transduced repopulating stem cells.
15090883 No No The data on improvements in dendritic cell numbers and function during antiretroviral therapy are conflicting, whereas current vaccine initiatives involving pulsing dendritic cells with virus proteins, infected apototic or whole inactivated virions is proving a useful tool in the induction, expansion and maintenance of antiviral cell-mediated immunity.
[2] cell wall biosynthesis \(sensu Gram-positive Bacteria\)

[3] clypeo-labral disc eversion

[4] determination of haltere disc primordium

[5] di- , tri-valent inorganic diphosphate homeostasis

[6] endothelial cell fate commitment

[7] eye-antennal disc eversion

[8] genital disc eversion

[9] genital disc proximal/distal pattern formation

[10] hair cell division
PMID Curator System Sentence
14662166 Yes No Instead of preventing cell loss, we must consider methods of stimulating cell division and hair cell differentiation from existing cells.
[11] haltere disc eversion

[12] labial disc eversion

[13] larval cuticle pigmentation \(sensu Insecta\)

[14] leg disc eversion

[15] leg disc proximal/distal axis specification

[16] mRNA RNA elongation from Pol II promoter

[17] meiotic spindle positioning and orientation

[18] negative regulation of DNA modification

[19] negative regulation of RNA transcription termination from Pol I promoter

[20] negative regulation of chemokine production

[21] negative regulation of connective tissue growth factor production

[22] negative regulation of endothelial cell size

[23] negative regulation of lymphocyte adhesion

[24] negative regulation of sulfur oxidation

[25] nucleotide biosynthesis from aspartate

[26] nurse cell/oocyte transport \(sensu Insecta\) , licking

[27] positive regulation of DNA modification
PMID Curator System Sentence
12877896 No No The second step of ECP is the cell radiation by UVA in presence of 8-MOP which is presumed to induce cell membrane damage, DNA crosslinking and binding to a variety of cytosolic proteins leading to apoptosis, modification of membrane antigenicity and antigen presenting cell activation.
[28] positive regulation of RNA transcription termination from Pol I promoter

[29] positive regulation of cellular defense response signaling pathway , resistance gene-dependent

[30] positive regulation of connective tissue growth factor production
PMID Curator System Sentence
12945801 No No Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is upregulated in a variety of fibrotic disorders, probably secondary to the activation and production of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta).
[31] positive regulation of endothelial cell size

[32] positive regulation of lymphocyte adhesion

[33] positive regulation of retinoid metabolism
PMID Curator System Sentence
15032732 No No Finally, the activation of retinoic acid receptors or retinoid X receptors has been reported to induce the gene expression of uncoupling proteins, which are mitochondrial proteins involved in the regulation of energy expenditure and fatty acid metabolism.
[34] positive regulation of sulfur oxidation

[35] prothoracic disc eversion

[36] regulation of DNA modification
PMID Curator System Sentence
15162019 Yes No In addition to its role in telomere lengthening, telomerase has now been found to have various functions, including the control of DNA repair, chromatin modification, and the control of expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation.
15134218 No No Recent studies have also implicated PARP-1 in the regulation of gene expression through modification of transcription factors by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation or its direct binding to gene-regulating DNA sequences.
[37] regulation of RNA transcription termination from Pol I promoter

[38] regulation of cellular defense response \(sensu Protostomia\)

[39] regulation of endothelial cell redox homeostasis

[40] regulation of lymphocyte adhesion
PMID Curator System Sentence
15134891 Yes No Regulation of lymphocyte adhesion and migration by the small GTPase Rap1 and its effector molecule, RAPL.
15134891 Yes No Dynamic regulation of integrin-mediated adhesion is central to lymphocyte trafficking and antigen recognition.
15134779 Yes Yes Finally, an involvement of the cytosolic adaptors ADAP, SKAP-55 and Cbl-b in the regulation of lymphocyte adhesion and migration has been demonstrated.
15100278 No No One of the earliest functional responses of T lymphocytes to extracellular signals that activate the Ag-specific CD3/TCR complex is a rapid, but reversible, increase in the functional activity of integrin adhesion receptors.
[41] regulation of sulfur oxidation
PMID Curator System Sentence
14661084 No No It is thus evident that the cyclic oxidation and reduction of the sulfur-containing amino acids may serve as an important antioxidant mechanism, and also that these reversible oxidations may provide an important mechanism for the regulation of some enzyme functions.
[42] regulation of tube length
PMID Curator System Sentence
12729556 No No Although the mutations affecting salivary gland motility and directional migration cause defects in the final positioning of the salivary gland, most do not affect the length or diameter of the salivary gland tube.
[43] somatic cell DNA ligation
PMID Curator System Sentence
12399177 No No Broken chromosomal ends in somatic cells of higher plants frequently heal by the ligation of DNA ends to unrelated sequences or to sequences with micro-homologies.
[44] specification of floral organ axis polarity

[45] spindle positioning and orientation
PMID Curator System Sentence
15146058 Yes No In case of altered spindle orientation, the spindle position checkpoint inhibits Tem1-dependent activation of the mitotic exit network (MEN), thus delaying mitotic exit and cytokinesis until errors are corrected.
15004232 No No Although cells deleted for either mbo1(+) or gfh1(+) are viable, they exhibit a number of defects associated with altered microtubule function such as defects in cell polarity, nuclear positioning, spindle orientation, and cleavage site specification.
14573349 No No In most cell types, the position of the mitotic spindle at the onset of anaphase dictates the orientation of the division axis; in unicellular organisms, it plays an important role in chromosome segregation.
12517707 Yes No For some of these processes, the position and orientation of the mitotic spindle must be coupled to cell polarity for correct positioning of daughter cells and inheritance of localised molecules.
11950945 No No Reorientation of mispositioned spindles in short astral microtubule mutant spc72Delta is dependent on spindle pole body outer plaque and Kar3 motor protein.
11784116 No No We show that the Rac gene ced-10 and the Rac-related gene mig-2 are redundantly required for the proper orientation of certain vulval cell divisions, suggesting a role in spindle positioning.
11245579 Yes No The accurate segregation of these determinants relies on proper orientation of the mitotic spindle within the dividing neuroblast, and on the correct positioning of the cleavage plane.
11231580 Yes No Distinct roles for Galpha and Gbetagamma in regulating spindle position and orientation in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
11231580 Yes No Correct placement and orientation of the mitotic spindle is essential for segregation of localized components and positioning of daughter cells.
[46] synaptic vesicle fusion to target membrane
PMID Curator System Sentence
11832947 Yes No Calcium at micromolar concentrations triggers SNARE complex formation and fusion between synaptic vesicles and reconstituted target membranes.
10611977 Yes No Synaptic vesicles, which have been a paradigm for the fusion of a vesicle with its target membrane, also serve as a model for understanding the formation of a vesicle from its donor membrane.
[47] tungsten incorporation via L-cysteinyl molybdopterin

[48] vitamin A catabolism

[49] wing disc dorsal/ventral axis specification

[50] wing disc proximal/distal axis specification

Term True Positive False Positive True Negative False Negative Validity
1 0 0 1 1 No
2 0 0 0 0 No
3 0 0 0 0 No
4 0 0 0 0 No
5 0 0 0 0 No
6 0 0 0 0 No
7 0 0 0 0 No
8 0 0 0 0 No
9 0 0 0 0 No
10 0 0 0 1 No
11 0 0 0 0 No
12 0 0 0 0 No
13 0 0 0 0 No
14 0 0 0 0 No
15 0 0 0 0 No
16 0 0 0 0 No
17 0 0 0 0 No
18 0 0 0 0 No
19 0 0 0 0 No
20 0 0 0 0 No
21 0 0 0 0 No
22 0 0 0 0 No
23 0 0 0 0 No
24 0 0 0 0 No
25 0 0 0 0 No
26 0 0 0 0 No
27 0 0 1 0 No
28 0 0 0 0 No
29 0 0 0 0 No
30 0 0 1 0 No
31 0 0 0 0 No
32 0 0 0 0 No
33 0 0 1 0 No
34 0 0 0 0 No
35 0 0 0 0 No
36 0 0 1 1 No
37 0 0 0 0 No
38 0 0 0 0 No
39 0 0 0 0 No
40 1 0 1 2 Yes
41 0 0 1 0 No
42 0 0 1 0 No
43 0 0 1 0 No
44 0 0 0 0 No
45 0 0 4 5 No
46 0 0 0 2 No
47 0 0 0 0 No
48 0 0 0 0 No
49 0 0 0 0 No
50 0 0 0 0 No
Total 1 0 13 12  

* Total Terms: 50
* Total sentences: 26
* Precision: 100 %
* Recall: 7.7 %
* Validated terms: 1 (2.0 %)